Linux find package with version
Today i had problem with CLion with WSL Toolchain. On Ubuntu 20.04 by default is installed CMake 22.+ version, when Clion by now supports Cmake
Today i had problem with CLion with WSL Toolchain. On Ubuntu 20.04 by default is installed CMake 22.+ version, when Clion by now supports Cmake
Converts all *.wav files via ffmpeg (default seettings, stereo, 16bit) for i in *.wav; do ffmpeg -i "$i" ./wav/${i%.*}.wav"; done Mix to mono ex. from
Find and move Find files with extension in currect directory find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.wav' -exec mv -t to_dir {} + Find files with
Requirements: sudo apt install imagemagick To convert all images in current directory and move resized to up to 1920 width, and with quality 90% to